Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Pillowcase Apron

Are you looking for a quick sewing project that will give you instant joy along with a lasting pleasure whenever you lay eyes upon it (the project, I mean)? Of course you are. Here it is. You can whip this up in literally minutes, and it is basically stress free in every particular.
And attractive.
And so frugal. Here's how.

1. Grab the loveliest, most wrinkled pillowcase in your mom's stash of bed linens. As you make a beeline towards your sewing machine, wave it in her general direction and say, "HeymindifIripthisapartkaythanks."

2. Spread out your treasure on a flat and fairly clean surface. Respectfully rip out the side seem most of the way up. Leave the top four inches or so unscathed.
3. Now, take out a pencil, pen, or eyeliner or whatever and mark lines across upon which you will cut:

The top, closed portion is the waistband. Next will be two long strips that will be the ties. Finally, the large and beautiful portion is the skirt of your apron.

4. Grab on long strip and press it in half lengthwise. Sew along the raw edge. Turn it rightside out using a safety pin, knitting needle or somesuch long utensil. Press.

5. You may add interfacing (as I did) to the waistband, since this fabric is rather flimsy. Attach the ties to either side of the waistband. Set aside momentarily.

6. Pick up the large and beautiful skirt portion. The topmost edge will be raw where you cut it. There you will make a gathering stitch and gather gather gather until it is the width of the waistband.

7. Tuck the gather inside the waistband about 1/4 inch and topstitch.

8. If there are any raw edges that you find undesirable, hem.

9. If you desire some commendably useful and trendy pockets, you are at leisure to create some.

10. Put on apron. Make some cupcakes. Feel feminine. Smile big.

Almost no hemming + resourceful use of a common household object= happy.



  1. looove this and those vintage pillow cases will be so perfect thanks for the awesome ideas....cheers!

  2. Fantastic!!! Got to get to the thrift store and start watching for cool pillowcases! (better yet, make some and then cut them apart! Thanks for sharing. This is great!

  3. This is a terrific project. I have lots of vintage pillowcases as I can't leave them behind at the thrift store. I think a vintage hanky pocket might be nice too. Thank you and be safe.
